[Tutorial]How To Lock & Mine NAS on Huobi Pool to get HPT rewards?

2 min readMay 20, 2020


First, you will need an account on Huobi join here.

Huobi Pool official website: https://www.hpt.com (follow step 2 to step 4)

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Not on Huobi? Register here.


Risk Reminder:

1. Trading in digital assets comes with high risks due to huge price fluctuations. Users should be fully aware of the risks associated with digital asset trading and make prudent trading decisions.

2. Huobi Global’s announcements and information do not constitute investment advice, and Huobi will not bear responsibility or provide compensation for direct or indirect losses arising from trading decisions whilst relying on this information.



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